Key Concepts

Good vs. Bad Websites

o A good website is well-designed, easy to navigate, and offers a positive user experience. Common mistakes on bad websites include poor navigation, slow loading times, cluttered layouts, and outdated content. To create a good website, focus on clean design, fast loading times, relevant and up-to-date content, and accessibility for all users.

Website Development Photo

Web-based Media

⁃ Web-based media can perpetuate inequality through biased representations of certain groups, but it can also promote social change by giving voice to underrepresented perspectives. It can provide access to information and resources promoting equality, but it alone cannot solve systemic issues. Challenging and dismantling oppressive systems requires active engagement in anti-discriminatory practices both online and offline.


Advantages of CMS: 1. Flexibility 2. Control 3. SEO 4. Community support Disadvantages of CMS: 1. Learning curve 2. Maintenance 3. Cost Advantages of WYSIWYG: 1. Ease of use 2. Cost-effective 3. Quick setup 4. Hosting Disadvantages of WYSIWYG: 1. Limited functionality 2. Design limitations 3. SEO 4. Data Ownership